Healing of my wife, Zynab Chingawale and my brother, Edson Chingawale.

My wife diagnosed with Diabetes

My wife was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 2010. She was prescribed to diabetes tablets and insulin injections three times a day. She had to be on a special diet so as to maintain the sugar levels. With all these measures, the sugar levels were either high or low. Life was not normal and as a mother, it was impacting the whole house of two children and me as a husband.

Church prays for piece of cloth

I remember after one Sunday evening service (23rd June, 2013) while I was talking to Pastor Gary Walker, I mentioned that my wife suffers from diabetes (then) and that was the reason for her not accompany me to Australia. The next Sunday, Pastor Walker prayed for a handkerchief which I sent to Lilongwe, Malawi the next day, 1st July, 2013. I was told by the Post office that the parcel would take 7-10days to get to Malawi. I called my wife informing her of the parcel. During our conversation, she told me that she was fine and nothing was bothering her on that day and even the days before.

First troubles after the prayer

On Monday, 1st July, she had a strange night in that she had stomach pains and vomited a lot- that was the first time since 2010 that she experienced that kind of affliction. After this day, it was all fine up to 22nd July, the day she received the parcel.

Missing parcel

I was tracking the parcel and realized that on 4th July, the parcel got lost in London. The church prayed and I kept waiting for the parcel to be found. The parcel was later found on 16th July and was shipped from London on the same day and finally reached home at 11 am on 22nd July 2013. This was abnormal as the time was exceptionally long. The devil was fighting knowing what will happen once the parcel got to my wife. She opened the parcel and had touched the cloth as she was going to bed around 7 pm that day.

Vomiting and Stomach pains

My wife had sleepless night on the night of 22nd July. She felt strong stomach pains, vomited and felt week like never before. In her experience since 2010, that was the difficult time she had gone through. More difficult than the experience she had on 1st July. I called her the following day and I could hardly speak to her. Nothing was working for her. The whole family was perplexed at what was happening. I was troubled too because I knew how she fought the various circumstances when the sugar levels were either high or low. One thing she and I believed was that she would receive the healing whatever the condition. The demon of diabetes was fighting to still stay in the body and that was no longer to be. She still believed that she was healed in the name of Jesus Christ. The situation continued for two days but what was strange was that she could feel hungry and had appetite for food which was not the case before. If the sugar levels were high, she could have difficulties with her eyes. This time it was not so as she could see properly. That gave her courage that the healing has finally come and started proclaiming her healing to the people that were near.

After those two days to date (19th September 2013) she is still fine. She is still taking the food that she used to forego and the situation continues to improve each passing day. She is doing her work and all is fine in the name of Jesus Christ and continues testifying of how she has been healed in Jesus Name.


Diagnosed with diabetes

My brother, Edson Chingawale, has been a Pentecostal Pastor for one of the village churches back in Malawi. He was diagnosed with diabetes earlier than my wife.   He was taking tables three times a day and nothing was working in his body. He was later prescribed insulin injections. Early this Year, he was also diagnosed with Tuberculosis so he was on TB treatment for six months (up to mid August, 2013). Though this was the case, he was not responding well to drugs.

Being touched with the condition of my brother, I believed that if my wife would be healed by the prayer cloth, then my brother can also be healed using the same cloth. I then told my wife to pass on the cloth to my brother who leaves 280 km away from place.

My brother afflicted

When my wife had touched the cloth, she gave it to one of my brothers to take to this sick brother. That day, the sick brother, said that he felt very weak like never before. My Mum, who used to be the guardian, together with his wife were all surprised at the change of his condition. He could not move out of his bed. He had no appetite for food and every time he could take in food he vomited. He usually spent sleepless nights as he usually had stomach pains. His voice was so weak that one could barely hear him speak in another room within the same house. This condition had been there for a long time.

The cloth arrived at 7 pm and he was helped to go to the leaving room where my Mum and Brother were seated.

Strength comes back

In his weak state he prayed and took the cloth and placed it on his chest. After they had charted and were about to go to bed, my brother felt some strength coming down his weak joints. He then said to the people that he would walk alone without being helped. He did just that and people were amazed at that happening. Encouraged by this occurrence, he then told his wife to prepare food the same night so that he could eat. The food was prepared and everyone thought that he will not eat and perhaps he will vomit as was the case then. To the surprise of them all, he ate all the food and did not vomit. They thought that maybe he would have a sleepless night as before and that was not the case as that night he slept without any complaints. Moved by this, the next morning my brother woke up and started praising the Lord for the healing. My Mum was surprised that she could hear the prayer word by word in the other bedroom. This could not have been the case if it wasn’t a miracle.   Later that day he walked out of the house and moved around the compound. It is now close to two months and the conditions have improved greatly over this time. He is now able to visit relatives within the village compound. What a wonderful Lord we have!!!!!!!!

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Brother John Chingawale

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